We've finally moved into the new house! The blog name is officially inaccurate, as we no longer live in Cowes!
Turi was awake most of last night, on high alert like a frightened animal. He jumped at every little sound (the wind, the rain on the roof, a creak of the floor) and his eyes would pop open to assess the danger. He spent much of the night climbing from his bed to lie on the floor, his ear pressed to the chip board and his wide eyes staring under the bed. From what I could glean from his murmurings, he was checking for snakes, spiders and ants. When the sun finally came up he said to me sadly, 'I want to go home mum'. When I informed him this would be his home now, he said in a small, distressed voice, 'but I remember my room'.
I know how he feels. Although I always hated our old house, with its 70s faux timber lined internal walls, and grungy brown carpet, so many of my stories are set inside its four walls. The Mr proposed to me there, it is the place I brought the babies home from hospital, fell in love with them and learnt all about their funny personalities. There is a big old, christmas tree that grows on the front lawn and every year we would decorate it… ok that's not entirely accurate… every year until some drunk, bogan, holiday makers trashed it and I didn't feel able to do it again. I guess I'm just feeling sentimental now because it's the end of an era.
Minty on the other hand has taken to the new house like an infatuated, love-struck teen. She was so excited to be in her new room and refused to leave the house this morning to go to kinder. She wasn't even interested in coming back to the old house to get the last of her things. I hope some of her enthusiasm rubs off on Turi soon!
These are some photos I took of the old house before we packed. I haven't taken any at the new house yet - it is still a bit chaotic!

Congrats Susan! I can't believe that all happened so quickly. The house is looking AMAZING. (Meanwhile, the house I've been designing for two and half years for someone else is STILL not on site. I'm feeling molto jealous.)
ReplyDeleteThis was a really lovely post. I'm such a sucker for sentimentality. It gave me a little sad feeling in my belly. Having said that, I'm sure you'll build many more beautiful memories in the new house. Hopefully it won't be long before Turi feels at home!
Can't wait to see the photos once the dust has settled!
How exciting that you have moved! The kid's bedrooms in the old house look very pretty. I remember making the 'Bebe' sign for Minty's baby shower: it still seems like yesterday. It really is the end of an era. I love the way Turi was checking for snakes, spiders and *ants*. I guess it isn't surprising he is scared of ants after his recent encounter with them!
ReplyDeletePoor little Turi! I picked up that he was very attached to his old room when he was showing me around the other night - not that there was much to show - just an empty book shelf & his dear little bed really. I hope he settles in soon. It's very exciting and you're all making lots of wonderful memories right now! Best wishes for a good nights sleep for everyone tonight.