Sunday, August 28, 2011

This week in the kitchen...

The Mr. caught a load of garfish so I made Thai fishcakes (sorry no pictures of the actual fish cakes - I was too busy eating them!)  I'm a big fan of garfish for a couple of reasons: firstly they are sustainable since they are small and prolific; secondly they are really good for you since you can eat the small bones which are a great source of calcium;  and most importantly they are very yummy!  Since I was making the fish cakes for the kids I popped the gar through my grinder (after I'd gutted them and removed the heads and spines) on the fine setting to make sure all the bones were thoroughly crushed.  

The Mr. also caught some crabs which we used in a creamy pasta sauce.  The kids had great fun playing with the live crabs and examining all the different parts.  I think it's really good to get them involved with their food so they have a sense of where it's coming from.

My new favourite way to use excess veggies from our weekly veg box is in calzones.  They're a bit easier for the kids to manage than a regular pizza and you can hide things like rainbow chard, that they wouldn't normally be too keen on, inside!!  Plus the left overs make a great packed lunch for the Mr. to take to the building site the next day.

As always shoot me an email or comment if you'd like more info or recipes for any of the above.


  1. yum, those calzones are a great idea, do you just use a regular pizza dough recipe?

  2. We had garfish that my mr caught the other day too. Fish cakes are a good idea, will have to remember that next time...
