New veg garden under construction... not very pretty yet!!
Yesterday one of my good friends left me a Facebook message to say that she had saved me two toilet rolls and two ends of celery. It occurred to me that I have reached a frightening level of thrifting. I suspect it's a short trip from here to crafting a felted tea cozy from clothes dryer lint.
In case you're wondering what I'm doing with this miscellanea, I've been making little planting tubes from the toilet rolls for my veggie seedlings. And did you know you can plant the bottom of a bunch of celery and it grows again? Well pinterest assures me it will work, so it must be true.
Gardeners are as a rule such a thrifty bunch. Take cuttings for example. I mean seriously you can cut a bit off another plant, bung it in the ground and it grows!! Who knew? If only I could do that with my Calvin Klein jacket.
Just a quick disclaimer to say that I'm totally new to this whole gardening caper and though I may occasionally sound as though I know what I'm talking about I can assure you it is just hot air. The Mr and I have been having intense debates about the best way to get a bumper tomato crop as though we are some kind of experts but the truth is neither of us has the slightest idea.
I guess when I started this blog three years ago I had no idea how to use a camera and could hardly sew… so I'm hoping blogging about the garden is going to spur me into some kind of action. I'll fake it until I make it so to speak. Wish me luck!
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