Monday, May 31, 2010

Apples and OCD

The husband brought me back a big box of apples from Cobram. Looks like it's time for a big baby food cook up... and maybe a pie.

In other news the house declutter continues. I've even arranged my books by colour... a little anal retentive maybe but it makes me oh so happy! A little patch of order in a disorderly world.

Don't you just love peeking at other people's bookshelves?


  1. Mrs Beeton amongst 'My Cousin Clarette'! That was an Avila text, wasn't it?

  2. Ahhh the memories... so was Jane Eyre for that matter...

  3. I have so many more titles (and colours) from your past life, to add to your shelves - all packed neatly away a year or so ago when I finally cleaned out our book shelves.

  4. Also, can we time our visit with the pie baking?

  5. But fiction is supposed to be alphabetical by author surname (or so I decided in mid primary school) and non-fiction by subject then height - this meant that Rosie was able to unpack my books this year unbeknownst to me, and I didn't have rearrange any :-)

  6. Arranging by colour sounds like fun for the library *wicked laugh*
