I thought it was about time the kids had their own little patch in the garden, so last week I took them for a walk to the nursery and they chose some plants. After much deliberation they decided on some daffodils and some onion seedlings. Today was the big planting day. We dug up a small patch of the lawn (well I dug and the kids wielded trowels in a haphazard fashion - thankfully only resulting in one minor bonk on the head). Then Minty and I carefully planted the seedlings. By this stage Turi had lost interest and had wandered off to ride his bike. I'm not really expecting to yield any onions from this exercise, though if we do get a crop it will be a welcome bonus. I just think it's nice for the kids to get out in the garden, get dirty and start thinking about where vegetables come from. I suspect some of the seedlings were already killed as a result of Minty's over zealous watering!

Today's photos were taken by the Mr (my hands were too dirty from all the digging), with a little post production love from me.
It's lovely to see kid's in the garden. I agree, I think it's very important that they have some awareness of where their food comes from. A great little project.