Tuesday, December 7, 2010

In which it snows on Hannibal...

Today's advent activity was to make Christmas decorations. This wasn't a particularly well thought out plan since when I woke up at 5:30 this morning I realised I hadn't figured out anything to put in the calendar and hastily had to come up with an idea. So I thought I'd keep things ridiculously simple and just make paper chains with the kids. Which would have been fabulous except that then I realised we didn't have any paper to make paper chains with… we didn't even have a single piece of A4 printer paper left.

So I thought laterally and found an old novel that was due to go to the op shop. We ripped pages out and used these to make our chains with. Minty quickly got bored with the prescriptive method of chain making and decided to just do free 'snipping' instead. She cut out 'mountain tops', 'bees' and all sorts of other things. This left me free to cut out paper snowflakes. We spent the next two hours happily snipping away together and then, much to Minty's delight, hung the snowflakes from the ceiling of her room, as she exclaimed 'wow it's snowing!!'. You can kind of see the (short) paper chains draped over the picture frames.

In case anyone was thinking it was all sugarplums and mistletoe at our house I just thought I'd reveal that we are currently struggling with a little two-year-old violent streak. This afternoon I found a perfect imprint on 'someone's' teeth on 'someone' else's arm.

I'm off now to try and restore some semblance of order to my house… it is beginning to look as though we live in New Orleans post Katrina...

1 comment:

  1. love it. these are gorgeous and i'm sure mae would be just as delighted with snow in her room, i just may have to steal your idea : )
