Time for another house update. I've been a bit slack so these photos are spread across a couple of visits to site (note the outfit changes!). There has actually been quite a bit of progress since these were taken but I haven't had a chance to go back to site to take more photos.
This first photo gives you a look at the front facade. At this point the cladding wasn't quite finished.

Here is the back of the house. Eventually there will be a deck here. The cladding is shadow clad. I have to admit that I'm not a massive fan of the look of shadow clad but it is cheap, hardwearing and easy to install so I'm trying to get on board! I do love the big post that supports the roof here.

This is our front door. It is a massive 3.6 meters tall. You can't really tell from these pictures (as it wasn't quite finished yet here) but the surrounding walls are clad with the same timber so the door blends in seamlessly. That little black box you can see is our electronic lock. You can either use a pin number or swipe card to unlock the door. I'm still trying to choose a handle.

Here are the cows just over our back fence. Those are our solar panels in the foreground - they are still yet to be mounted on the roof.

This is the front of the house. The corten steel panels are now up. These will rust fairly quickly. You can already begin to see this on the side wall in the next picture. The cement sheet you can see on the entry wall will be rendered white. The section of wall above the corten is currently clad in timber but we are debating whether to change this to be rendered white as well. The jury is still out.

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