Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Australia Day!

We celebrated by the book - ate sausages, party pies and pavlova and relaxed at the beach.  What can I say?  Australia Day really is a classy holiday.

Thanks for all your encouraging comments after my dummy spit… I hope all your toilets and kitchen sponges are clean and orderly and we can all move forward from here.


  1. We're potty training here. My toilets are *never* going to be orderly. ;)
    Wasn't hot enough to get in the water I see. At least you got some pav. Mmmm.

  2. I made your vegan cupcakes for my Australia day celebrations. Perhaps not as traditionally Australian as sausages but they went down a treat! Thanks again for the recipe :)

    Although they weren't exactly vegan because I couldn't find this alleged vegan shortening so just used butter. Did you use the shortening and if so, where did you find it??

  3. Ella - I didn't actually frost mine just dusted with icing sugar but vegetable shortening is pretty easy to come by. Just look near the butter - you know it's the copha you use to make chocolate crackles!! I had a look at the ingredients and all it has is coconut oil and soya bean lecithin so that screams vegan to me!!

    Jacinta - toilet training is a messy business!
